Wednesday, July 30, 2014


For those that wish to go that deep this is a quote from an ancient book, the Liber T, the earliest trace I have is as far back as the Ordo Templi Ordis, from middle Europe, but the author called it a re-issue than and said it was much older. If yo read this, you will see, they took their cards quite seriously. My approach is not intended to go quite that deep, but to get close enough to get there from where we finish.

"Tarot’s Hidden Language
One of the greatest contributions of this present book is that it provides a paced program for
building each of these 78 symbol sets into the patterns of your subconscious mind. This is accomplished
in layers, beginning with the Trumps or Greater Arcana; then moving to the Lesser
Arcana, the meaning of which is founded on the Trumps; and concluding with the Court Cards,
knowledge of which is built atop one’s understanding of the Majors and Minors.
Learning to truly read the Tarot (rather than simply regurgitate learned meanings) rests on
thorough, systematic meditation on the cards. Books do not have most of what you need for
this because you have to get it from within yourself. You need to learn certain core definitions,
and need to establish them in right relationship to each other in your subconscious mind. Then
the real instruction begins! We state as plainly as possible this key to the esoteric language of
Tarot: The traditional divinatory meanings actually written in this book are a veil. The deeper
language is learned by applying the methods prescribed in each chapter.
Figuratively speaking, each Trump is a word; each Minor is a sentence composed of several
words; and each Court Card is a paragraph composed of several sentences.
As with native language skills, this assimilation has its own pace. The best, longest-lasting
results have been produced when students spend no less than three days incorporating each card
– each meme, or transmissible unit of consciousness – into their brains. At this pace, the basics of
the entire Tarot will be assimilated in 39 weeks, roughly the time it takes a woman to make a baby.
And, as when gestating a baby, it does not help to rush things!
After this initial nine months, a further 78-week pass through the cards is advised (one week
for each card). These primary and secondary passes, thus, take about 27 months, at the end of
which your mind will be perceiving, thinking, and speaking in the hidden language of Tarot
which has never been written… because it does not exist in the words of any spoken language.
Dialogue With the Divine
The final chapter of the book deals with the art of divination – of drawing insight on the past,
the present, and the future from correct use of Tarot cards.
“Divination,” of course, is derived from the word “divine.” It differs from simple “fortune
telling” because it is foremost an entering into relationship with the Divine. Once the language of
Tarot is incorporated into your cells, the cards become primarily a focus of intuition. Properly
understood, they present a series of symbols that lead the mind into a deeper relationship with
the principles pertaining to the problem under consideration. This focus on principles provides
the querent – yourself or another – a basis for choice, rather than a dogmatic pronouncement
about the future.
The first method of divination given in Chapter 4 is believed to have originated with the
Golden Dawn. It has been rewritten, based on feedback from students, in an effort to make it
more comprehensible and usable. A second, much simpler, yet relatively unknown nine-card
method is given, which many students have found valuable is assessing the psychological and
spiritual conditions within which they are living."
The process he describes tries to make it possible to read through having ego in an act of will to read. The efforts of many teachers in that time was to have conscious control of the craft. I have learned that it is both easier and better placed to let the unconscious make much of the effort since it does most of the work anyway. That, and conscious control puts the skills in place to be abused. The higher self has a well built set of morals that is to be trusted. It is appropriate to let your efforts be guided by spirit instead of trying to use flawed and incomplete reasoning to make moral decisions.

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