Saturday, April 25, 2015

Nutrition for apnea

The reason naturopaths are so reluctant to give values is that the individual response varies so much, and the reasons why are more important than how much. Last year my sleep issues came to a head, getting so severe that it was outright dangerous to drive. As I was getting disabled enough to get on a pittance for a pension and stop working, it became less of an issue, but still needed fixed.
The symptom track, something doctors are too ignorant to understand, became obvious as I studied the issues. I was having violent headaches, acid reflux, outrageous leg cramps, degenerative bone issues, and calcified organs, not to mention increasingly severe sleep apnea. I will address the bone disease and calcified organs another time, but it was connected by common nutritional deficiencies.
It works out that these things were all connected by deficiencies of micronutrients and vitamin D3. The micronutrients are required to maintain chemical balance in everything from tissues to brain chemistry. It worked out that the Lisinopril they prescribed for blood pressure made this a lot worse. The fool doctor told me those were not side effects of the medicine, not because it was so, being these are well documented side effects, but because she was uninformed. The sloppy, half-assedness with which these people practice is severely annoying, and can be dangerous.
The micronutrients, which I get from Himalayan salt, include magnesium, copper, (sodium), potassium, and calcium. The magnesium and calcium I also heavily supported by dietary support from nuts and seeds, molasses, and such foods as turnip and collard greens. With hypertension, it is important to use such things as Himalayan salt with caution, because it is easy to get too much.
The vitamin D3 I got from a naturopath, who described what I was looking for in theraputic results. It is important to understand that there is such a thing as too much, and this can do as much harm as good. The headaches, cramps, and mostly acid reflux resolved at 12,000 units a day. She recommended a theraputic injection of 30,000 units to start, but of course I could not get this from my doctor. The apnea reduced, but was still active until I started getting 20,000 units a day. As it is likely that this amount is likely to be harmful in the long term, I will be looking to reduce the dose likely a month from now and see if the apnea returns.
There are tests for this, but it requires a doctor that is some help, not one that is only interested in getting paid to prescribe. It is important to get proportional amounts of other things. I am using 6,000 units of vitamin C. I am still working on the dose, but it causes yellow, itchy diarhea in excess, and it is a good thing to stay below that. The B50 program works well to balance, and I am taking additional B12. I am also using a magnesium carbonate supplement. This is not in common use because it is such an efficient laxative. I have found that 1/2 tablespoon, with 1/4 cup of kimchi is a maximuim, but this is very individual.
It works out that protein is a conundrum. Enough to be satisfying is also enough to flush nutrients through the kidneys. It is important to understand that as much as possible, protein should come from plant sources. There is no nutritional reason to eat meat, and meat comes with toxic fats that cause heart disease. On the other side of the problem, all nuts and seeds in the US are required to be pasteurized, which destroys the ability to sprout them. (sprouting being the best way to neutralize phytates) The problem with this is that nuts and seeds come with phytates, and a satisfying amount can cause degenerative bone diseases and nutrient deficiencies with the phytates sucking the life out of the blood.
Mitigating phytates can be tricky. I found out last year from experience that soaking them overnight in lemon water was not enough. With beans, they come covered in a sugar that is honestly a bad deal. Soaking them a few hours, ( like 4)  and dumping off the water gets rid of that, then soaking them overnight in vinegar water will remove about 30% or so of the phytates. With nuts and seeds, I just soak them overnight in vinegar. Now we have a problem. That much vinegar is likely to also remove nutrients. I make about a pint of nuts a day, soak them in water with a tablespoon of vinegar, then reduce the acid with a teaspoon of choline bitartrate. I tried baking soda, but it binds sodium to the food in unacceptable quantities. It takes a little more than an hour to neutralize the acid this way.
After neutralizing the acid the following day, I mix in some kimchi for the probiotics. It will not work in vinegar, so neutralizing it between is important. I use the bitartrate because it is the strongest organic base I could find, and as poorly as it converts to choline, it is unlikely to get an excess. I let the kimchi process the nuts overnight. BTW, I use a nut chopper to reduce the size of the nuts so that the agents can penetrate enough. After one more night, I neutralize the lactic acid the kimchi makes with another teaspoon of choline bitartrate, add two teaspoons of molasses, and eat it. This gives a lot of protein, and organic magnesium and trace minerals. I tired two nights of processing with the probiotics, but it produces unbelievably bad odors. The water included in this process contains nutrients, and needs to be consumed as well.
I am certain there are still too much phytates, but the excess vitamins C and D3 are capable of dealing with it at this point. I am still eating an average of one meal a day with some meat proteins in it. I am still working on how I am going to reduce enough phytates to get all the protein from plants.
My diet is entirely driven to nutriate illness into wellness, but the chemistry takes a lot of research and thought. I understand that people just want to eat everything that is wrong, then take a pill to make it better, but that will never work. It is important to understand that the amounts of nutrients are very individual, and personal values need to be determined according to what result you want, and how much it takes to get that.

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