Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mental Illness

          I scratch my head and get quizzical what makes people think they can act the way they do. I am  losing another night's sleep after another altercation with that emotionally violent sociopath I call a land "lady." I have never understood the motivation behind a person that can't  watch a humor show on tv until they have someone hating them enough to plot murder, and too disturbed to sleep or concentrate.
           In this society where good people are viciously punished for being good, and guns are easier to get than mental health care, it actually amazes me there is not more violence. The joke about people are alive because I am unwilling to do the jail time has stopped being funny. I have stopped being in relationships so as to stop having to clean dog piles off the floor and having people treat me like I am lying because they don't want to hear it after they lied to me. I finally got a pension that lacks $200 a month of paying my obligations, and have stopped working for people that work me like a  slave and steal from me. Ya, America. Whatever.
            Then there is the "Christian" thing. I listened to that bunch of urban myth and lies long enough. Now that I know from personal experience that the leader of the church is a lying ass, that the herd of prostitutes he calls "Christian businessmen" will screw anyone for a dollar, and that a "good Christian woman that will make a good Christian wife" is some town good time that everybody was in last week, and she will make the same round next week, there just isn't any sense listening to it. Then there is that "What did you do to make them act that way" thing. Ya, right. They never would have done that, I made them do it. Bullsh**. Now that I know they have all the "human decency" of a  herd of Nazi war criminals, I don't allow them into my life again.
             Then there is that law of attraction crap. I attracted that stuff into my day. Horsesh**. What I am guilty of is being raised sheltered enough to not know what an evil bunch of bastards people really are, until I was too far down to get out of it.
              Each year I practice, I understand more deeply why many of our kind have taken to living in remote places and avoiding "human" contact entirely. The energies people are built out of permanently stain a good soul. I have come to believe that the rule is that people have about all the soul of a plastic sack, and it is their job to drag the rest of us down. I hear that simplistic crap about just not allowing them in my life. Ya, right. Like how do you do that? There are these necessities like having to live somewhere, and eat. Pretty much involves people to do that. I am done with that stuff of my problems are simple and I am too stupid to solve them coming from some ass that has about the soul of a piece of plastic.
               Now that I understand that the "good woman" is an urban myth that people use to keep single men hopeful enough to date, and that "good people" are few enough and far enough between that I could go the rest of my life, and never see any face to face, I understand. These are the seven up people, never had it, never will.
               So why did I come here anyway?
    This morning the same person that did her best to destroy the last bit of cooperation with me decided to give notice, after taking the last of my money, to give termination notice on the lease. She will cry in a month when the money is gone, and wonder why life is so cruel. The Divine Miss M. does a song that seems about right just now, Is That All There Is?
    Monday I start troubleshooting my way through 'social services' to see what happens when I show up with 30 days notice to homelessness, crippled, and broke, and see what they have to say. Laugh riot. I have been making a less than motivated effort at this anyway, and am part way there, so now I get to see just how it works. I know, I am white, it is not for me. Whatever, when it is the last choice you have, it is the one.
    People have been 45 years since I became responsible for myself teaching me they can't be counted on. Now we get to find out. Somebody tell me I am up for a good surprise. Please?

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